Select a letter

___ drug (antibiotic), 6 letters

Antibacterial consisting of any of several synthetic organic compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of bacteria that require PABA, 6 letters

City near Lake Charles, 7 letters

Gunpowder ingredient, 7 letters

Best known in yellow crystals, 7 letters

Occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions), 7 letters

An abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element, 7 letters

Iwo Jima, formerly, 13 letters

Yellow butterflies, 8 letters

A salt or ester of sulphuric acid, 8 letters

A compound of sulphur and some other element that is more electropositive, 8 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..