Select a letter

Muttonfish, 4 letters

*Beer named for a patriot, 8 letters

Bass alternative, 8 letters

Beer named for a Tea Party leader, 8 letters

Patriot for whom a beer is named, 8 letters

Secret ___ (1997 album by Live), 7 letters

A precondition for Nirvana, 7 letters

Hindu religious society, 5 letters

Soulful Cooke + jazzman Koz, 10 letters

Bewitched role, 8 letters

Bewitched witch, 8 letters

British actress Eggar, 8 letters

Comical witch, 8 letters

Darrin's TV wife, 8 letters

Eggar of Doctor Dolittle, 8 letters

Fox with the 1988 hit Naughty Girls (Need Love Too), 8 letters

TV witch, 8 letters

Actress in The Collector, 11 letters

The Collector star, 11 letters

Best Actress Oscar nominee for The Collector, 13 letters

Touch Me singer, 11 letters

TV witch and namesakes, 9 letters

Island in the Philippines, 5 letters

Island near Leyte, 5 letters

Island next to Leyte, 5 letters

Leyte neighbor, 5 letters

Luzon neighbor, 5 letters

One of the Philippine Islands, 5 letters

Pacific island, 5 letters

Philippine island, 5 letters

Philippine Island, N of Leyte, 5 letters

Philippine isle, 5 letters

Visayan island, 5 letters

City on the Volga, 6 letters

Fruit of a maple, 6 letters

Fruit of the elm, 6 letters

Fruit of the maple, 6 letters

Key fruit, 6 letters

Maple seed, 6 letters

One-seeded, winged fruit, 6 letters

Port on the Volga, 6 letters

Russian port, formerly Kuibyshev, 6 letters

Seed container, 6 letters

Volga valley city, 6 letters

Winged fruit of the elm, 6 letters

Winged fruit of the maple, 6 letters

Winged maple fruit, 6 letters

A winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple, 6 letters

Droppers from maple tree, 7 letters

Fruit of the maple tree, 7 letters

Winged fruits of elms, 7 letters

Ancient capital of Israel, 7 letters

Ancient city in Palestine, 7 letters

Ancient Hebrew kingdom, 7 letters

City of ancient Palestine, 7 letters

Do-gooder's land, 7 letters

Home of the hero of a certain parable, 7 letters

Land of do-gooders?, 7 letters

Mideast region, 7 letters

Northern Kingdom of the Hebrews, 7 letters

West Bank area, 7 letters

Circuitous detour past a good-deed-doer's city?, 14 letters

Good one of a parable, 9 letters

Biblical helper, 9 letters

Do-gooder, 9 letters

Good deed doer, 9 letters

Good one, 9 letters

Helper, 9 letters

Helper of parable, 9 letters

Parabolic helper, 9 letters

Roadside assister, 9 letters

Selfless aid offerer, 9 letters

Selfless helper, 9 letters

Tribe member in 2Kings 17:29, 9 letters

A person who voluntarily offers help or sympathy in times of trouble, 9 letters

Some people of old Palestine, 10 letters

S.S.R. dig unearths a German coin?, 9 letters

City in southern Uzbekistan, 9 letters

Tamerlane's opulent capital in the 14th century, 9 letters

Uzbekistan's Soul Man singer?, 13 letters

John O'Hara's Appointment in ___, 7 letters

Hindu sacred writings, 8 letters

Large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and sweet-pulp seed pods eaten by cattle, 5 letters

A mountain peak in south central Sri Lanka (7,360 feet high), 8 letters

A port city is southern Indonesia, 8 letters

Located in northern Java, 8 letters

City in southern Uzbekistan, 9 letters

Tamerlane's opulent capital in the 14th century, 9 letters

A gray lustrous metallic element of the rare earth group, 8 letters

Is used in special alloys, 8 letters

Occurs in monazite and bastnasite, 8 letters

A complex black mineral occuring in pegmatites, 10 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..