Select a letter

___ e bisi, Venetian dish, 4 letters

Liber is amusing, 7 letters

Disposed to laugh, 7 letters

Droll, 7 letters

Eliciting laughter, 7 letters

Funny, 7 letters

Laughably silly, 7 letters

Ludicrous, 7 letters

Sense of humor, 8 letters

Sense of the ridiculous, 8 letters

___ to the Top: Keni Burke song, 5 letters

I see a bad moon ___, 5 letters

Mr. Mojo ___ (anagram of Jim Morrison), 5 letters

Mr. Mojo ___: Doors lyric that anagrams into the lead singer's name, 5 letters

Mr. Mojo ___ (anagrammatic nickname for Jim Morrison), 5 letters

Mr. Mojo ___ (nickname for the Doors' Jim Morrison), 5 letters

___ star (up-and-comer), 6 letters

...on the way up is entering boxing venue (6), 6 letters

Bad Moon ___ (1969 Creedence Clearwater Revival hit), 6 letters

House of the ___ Sun, 6 letters

Ascendant, 6 letters

Gaining altitude, 6 letters

Getting up, 6 letters

Greeting the day, 6 letters

Heading up, 6 letters

Insurrection, 6 letters

Like the bread in the oven, 6 letters

Like the sun in the east, 6 letters

On an upswing, 6 letters

On the up-and-up?, 6 letters

On the upswing, 6 letters

On the upturn, 6 letters

On the way up, 6 letters

Tom Clancy's Red Storm ___, 6 letters

Come up, of celestial bodies, 6 letters

Of dough, 6 letters

Become heartened or elated, 6 letters

Exert oneself to meet a challenge, 6 letters

Take part in a rebellion, 6 letters

Renounce a former allegiance, 6 letters

Of substances, 6 letters

Get up from a sitting or lying position, 6 letters

Return from the dead, 6 letters

Take on form or shape, 6 letters

Increase in volume, 6 letters

Grow in volume, as under the influence of heat or fermentation, 6 letters

Move upward, 6 letters

A movement upward, 6 letters

Get up and out of bed, 6 letters

A conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another, 6 letters

Increase in value or to a higher point, 6 letters

Come to the surface, 6 letters

Become more extreme, 6 letters

Come into existence, 6 letters

Go up or advance, 6 letters

Be promoted, move to a better position, 6 letters

Organized opposition to authority, 6 letters

Dough for player on his way up?, 12 letters

(#3) State on the move?, 13 letters

Theme of this puzzle, 15 letters

Leontyne moving up the scale?, 11 letters

Inflation indication, 12 letters

Insurrections, 7 letters

Sign, sir, of unrest, 7 letters

Upward motions, 7 letters

What one achieves by building stages for the pope?, 15 letters

*Up-and-comer, 10 letters

Hollywood hopeful, 10 letters

Crichton novel, 9 letters

Symbol of Japan, 9 letters

Up-and-coming crappie?, 9 letters

What Hitachi means, 9 letters

Yeast dealers' newspaper?, 9 letters

Morning sight of one with double vision?, 10 letters

Early morning glare protector?, 14 letters

Intensifying sentiment, 10 letters

They're coming up in the world, 11 letters

A disposition to laugh, 10 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..