Select a letter

Do-over sprint, 6 letters

Arrange the balls again, 6 letters

Bowler's request, 6 letters

Pool competitor's request, 6 letters

Pool hustler's request, 6 letters

Set the table again?, 6 letters

Set up a new billiards game, 6 letters

Start another game of pool, 6 letters

Start over, in pool, 6 letters

Aligns the pool balls again, 7 letters

Zap over, 9 letters

Action in a poker game, 7 letters

Bluffer's ploy, 7 letters

Bump back, 7 letters

Poker ploy, 7 letters

Poker tactic, 7 letters

Put up again, 7 letters

Goes all-in, maybe, 8 letters

Poker tactics, 8 letters

Tops in poker?, 8 letters

Be extra diligent with the lawn, 6 letters

Deal with the leaves again, 6 letters

Gather leaves again, 6 letters

Get up more leaves, 6 letters

Pile the leaves again after the kids have had their fun, 6 letters

Smooth again, as soil, 6 letters

Got up more leaves, 7 letters

Butts again, 6 letters

Aired Airwolf, 5 letters

Aired I Love Lucy, e.g., 5 letters

Aired I Love Lucy, 5 letters

Aired Leave It to Beaver, 5 letters

Aired Seinfeld, say, 5 letters

Aired The Brady Bunch, 5 letters

Aired The Jackie Gleason Show, 5 letters

Aired a second time, 5 letters

Aired again, 5 letters

Aired again, as a CBC show, 5 letters

Aired again, as an old episode, 5 letters

Aired an I Love Lucy episode, 5 letters

Aired an encore presentation of, 5 letters

Aired an old show, 5 letters

Aired an oldie, 5 letters

Aired anew, 5 letters

Aired in August, maybe, 5 letters

Aired over, 5 letters

Aired over the summer, maybe, 5 letters

Aired summer fare, 5 letters

Aired unfresh things, 5 letters

Aired, as Hogan's Heroes, say, 5 letters

Anthologized, e.g., 5 letters

Broadcast again, 5 letters

Broadcast an encore of, 5 letters

Broadcast more than once, 5 letters

Broadcast old sit-coms, 5 letters

Campaigned again, 5 letters

Campaigned for another term, 5 letters

Checked, as a computer program, 5 letters

Did an encore of, 5 letters

Did not premiere, 5 letters

Encored, in a way, 5 letters

Exhibited in summer, perhaps, 5 letters

Explorer announced showing broadcast again (5), 5 letters

Filled a programming gap, 5 letters

Gave a second airing, 5 letters

Gave another airing, 5 letters

Got another airing, 5 letters

Had another showing of, 5 letters

Hurried over?, 5 letters

Placed the same ad, 5 letters

Played a video again, 5 letters

Played again, 5 letters

Played again, as a video, 5 letters

Played an old TV show, 5 letters

Played back a tape, 5 letters

Played it again, 5 letters

Played it back, 5 letters

Played on TV again, 5 letters

Played on TV Land, 5 letters

Played on TV Land, say, 5 letters

Played over, 5 letters

Played shows during the Writers' Guild Strike, 5 letters

Played the movie again, 5 letters

Played, like Nick at Nite, 5 letters

Practiced a pass play, 5 letters

Printed again, as a story, 5 letters

Printed in an anthology, 5 letters

Printed once more, 5 letters

Printed over, 5 letters

Published again, 5 letters

Put back on, maybe, 5 letters

Put in an anthology, 5 letters

Put on a second time, 5 letters

Put on again, 5 letters

Put on anew, 5 letters

Put on once again, 5 letters

Put on the air again, 5 letters

Ran over, 5 letters

Scheduled summer TV fare, 5 letters

Screened again, 5 letters

Screened over, 5 letters

Screened twice, 5 letters

Settled a draw, 5 letters

Showed 'I Love Lucy', 5 letters

Showed Cheers, say, 5 letters

Showed I Love Lucy, say, 5 letters

Showed a second time, 5 letters

Showed a show again, 5 letters

Showed again, 5 letters

Showed again in summer, 5 letters

Showed again on TV, 5 letters

Showed again, as a film, 5 letters

Showed again, as a program, 5 letters

Showed again, as a TV broadcast, 5 letters

Showed again, as a video, 5 letters

Showed again, as an old show, 5 letters

Showed an F Troop episode, 5 letters

Showed an old show, 5 letters

Showed anew, 5 letters

Showed Dallas in August, 5 letters

Showed during the summer?, 5 letters

Showed I Love Lucy again, 5 letters

Showed in syndication, 5 letters

Showed in syndication, perhaps, 5 letters

Showed more than once, 5 letters

Showed old movies, 5 letters

Showed old shows, 5 letters

Showed on instant replay, 5 letters

Showed on TV again, 5 letters

Showed on TV Land, probably, 5 letters

Showed on TV more than once, 5 letters

Showed on TV once more, 5 letters

Showed over, 5 letters

Showed over again, 5 letters

Showed over, as a VH1 Behind the Music, 5 letters

Showed the movie again, 5 letters

Showed the show again, 5 letters

Showed, as a classic, 5 letters

Sought a second term, 5 letters

Sought another seat, 5 letters

Stood for a second term, 5 letters

Telecast again, 5 letters

Telecast over, 5 letters

Televised again, 5 letters

Tried again for office, 5 letters

Tried for a second term, 5 letters

Tried to get seated again, 5 letters

Tried to keep one's seat, 5 letters

Watched again, as a movie, 5 letters

Watched on the VCR again, 5 letters

What a network did with its shows over the summer, 5 letters

What FDR did twice, 5 letters

Called back, 6 letters

Called on again, 6 letters

Summoned again, 6 letters

Was a persistent door-to-door salesman, 6 letters

Was persistent, as a door-to-door salesman, 6 letters

Give a higher seeding, 6 letters

Promote or demote, 6 letters

Promote, perhaps, 6 letters

Seeds again, 7 letters

Add a star to, maybe, 6 letters

Add a star to, perhaps, 6 letters

Add a star to, say, 6 letters

Add stars, after careful consideration, 6 letters

Appraise anew, 6 letters

Appraise once more, 6 letters

Assess a second time, 6 letters

Assess all over, 6 letters

Award a second star, 6 letters

Change a ranking, 6 letters

Change from AA to AAA, e.g., 6 letters

Change from an R, say, 6 letters

Change from G to PG, 6 letters

Change from X to NC-17, e.g., 6 letters

Change to an R, perhaps, 6 letters

Change to junk bond status, say, 6 letters

Dead week spot, 6 letters

Downgrade, maybe, 6 letters

Give a new ranking, 6 letters

Give a new score to, 6 letters

Give four stars instead of three, 6 letters

Give more stars to, maybe, 6 letters

Grade again, 6 letters

Judge anew, 6 letters

Perform a new appraisal, 6 letters

Upgrade to five stars, say, 6 letters

Upgrade, say, 6 letters

Changed from PG to G, say, 7 letters

Evaluated again, 7 letters

Set new bond quality, 7 letters

Adds a star to, say, 7 letters

Alters an assessment, 7 letters

Awards another star to, perhaps, 7 letters

Categorizes anew, 7 letters

Changes a grade, 7 letters

Changes an assessment, 7 letters

Considers bond values again, 7 letters

Downgrades, e.g., 7 letters

Puts into a new category, 7 letters

Person who tears down buildings twice, 7 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..