Select a letter

Condition: Suffix, 4 letters

Half a 1987 Billy Idol hit, 4 letters

Half a Billy Idol hit, 4 letters

Half of a Billy Idol #1 song title, 4 letters

Large financial co., 4 letters

When doubled, a #3 hit of 1968 or a #1 hit of 1987, 4 letters

When repeated, a 1968 pop hit, 4 letters

When repeated, a Billy Idol hit, 4 letters

When repeated, a top five hit of 1968 or 1987, 4 letters

1968 Tommy James and The Shondells hit, 8 letters

Tommy James & the Shondells chart-topper, 8 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..