Select a letter

Able to prophesy, 6 letters

Prophetic, 6 letters

Beast that's one-third human, one-third lion, and one-third dragon, 9 letters

A mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion, 9 letters

Praying insect family, 6 letters

Predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions, 6 letters

Rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer, 6 letters

Hair covering, 8 letters

Head covering, 8 letters

Iberian scarf, 8 letters

Senorita's scarf, 8 letters

Spanish head scarf, 8 letters

Spanish scarf, 8 letters

Veil worn on a comb, 8 letters

A woman's silk or lace scarf, 8 letters

Short cape worn by women, 8 letters

'Praying' insect, 6 letters

Beetle-eater, 6 letters

Beneficial insect, 6 letters

Bug with prominent forelegs, 6 letters

Cannibalistic insect, 6 letters

Cousin of a cockroach, 6 letters

Devout insect?, 6 letters

Green insect-eater, 6 letters

Insect eater, 6 letters

Insect that appears to be in prayer, 6 letters

Insect that eats its mate, 6 letters

Insect that has a prayer, 6 letters

Insect that's 'praying', 6 letters

Insect with a name from the Greek word for prophet, 6 letters

Insectivore that seems to be saying grace, 6 letters

Insectivorous insect, 6 letters

Long-legged insect, 6 letters

Mate-munching insect, 6 letters

Prayer?, 6 letters

Praying ___, 6 letters

Praying figure, 6 letters

Praying one, 6 letters

Praying preyer?, 6 letters

Predaceous insect, 6 letters

Predatory insect, 6 letters

Preyer seemingly at prayer, 6 letters

Raised-forelegs creature, 6 letters

Religious insect?, 6 letters

Roach's cousin, 6 letters

Seemingly pious bug, 6 letters

Small prayer, 6 letters

Termite cousin, 6 letters

Winged supplicant, 6 letters

Predacious long-bodied large-eyed insect of warm regions, 6 letters

Rests with forelimbs raised as in prayer, 6 letters

Little prayers?, 8 letters

Only insects that can turn their heads to look behind them, 8 letters

Preying prayers, 8 letters

They look like they're praying while preying, 8 letters

Breath fresheners for a certain prayer?, 12 letters

Decimal part of a logarithm, 8 letters

Logarithm part, 8 letters

Part of a logarithm, 8 letters

A mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion, 10 letters

A mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion, 9 letters

Mantises, 8 letters

A mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion, 8 letters

The site of three famous battles among Greek city-states in 418 BC and 362 BC and 207 BC, 8 letters

The site of three famous battles among Greek city-states in 418 BC and 362 BC and 207 BC, 9 letters

Insect that resembles a mantis, 9 letters

Larvae are parasites in the nests of spiders and wasps, 9 letters

Mantispids, 11 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..