Select a letter

Football player, 8 letters

The position of a back on a football team, 8 letters

Ball carrier is drunk?, 11 letters

Smith, Faulk and Williams, 9 letters

They start behind the line, 9 letters

Marginally acceptable, 7 letters

A2: I hope the plan isn't ___., 9 letters

Insufficiently thought out, 9 letters

Lacking good sense, 9 letters

Like a plot to rob Fort Knox, 9 letters

Like the answers to this puzzle's 12 asterisked clues?, 9 letters

Like the idea behind this puzzle's theme?, 9 letters

Not well thought out, 9 letters

Unrealistic, as an idea, 9 letters

Poorly planned pudding?, 15 letters

Plan not completely thought out, 13 letters

Chef's quick creations, 14 letters

Not-so-great explanation, 15 letters

Poem that needs more work?, 14 letters

One sharing a common parent with someone, 9 letters

Harry Potter title character, 15 letters

Part of a 2005 Harry Potter title, 15 letters

In the process of flowering?, 11 letters

Fixed rate that includes room, breakfast and one other meal, 9 letters

1973 hit for Cher, 9 letters

Cher song about the stigma of bad coffee?, 10 letters

David to Keith Carradine, 11 letters

He shares one parent, 11 letters

Some family tree members, 12 letters

Four bits, 8 letters

Pair of pecks, 10 letters

Tropical and subtropical marine and freshwater fishes having an elongated body and long protruding lower jaw, 8 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..