Select a letter

___ good faith, 5 letters

___ self-defense, 5 letters

... ___ the living Present!: Longfellow, 5 letters

Be a cast member, 5 letters

Be a cast member of, 5 letters

Be a member of the cast of, 5 letters

Be a part of a play, 5 letters

Be a part of, as a film, 5 letters

Be a part of, as a picture, 5 letters

Be a part of, as a play, 5 letters

Be among the cast of, 5 letters

Be part of the cast of, 5 letters

Be part of the company of, 5 letters

Do Hamlet, 5 letters

Form the cast of, 5 letters

Have a cast credit for, 5 letters

Have a role, 5 letters

Join the cast of, 5 letters

Join the cast of, as a movie, 5 letters

Join the cast of, as a play, 5 letters

Join the cast, as of a movie, 5 letters

Muscle protein, 5 letters

Perform as a play, 5 letters

Words before good faith, 5 letters

Words before self-defense or good faith, 5 letters

Words with good faith or self-defense, 5 letters

One of the proteins into which actomyosin can be split, 5 letters

Can exist in either a globular or a fibrous form, 5 letters

Behaving, 6 letters

Business for Ford?, 6 letters

Doing something, 6 letters

Dramatics, 6 letters

Field's field, 6 letters

In office as a stopgap, 6 letters

Job for a thespian, 6 letters

On stage, 6 letters

Provisional, 6 letters

Putting on a show, 6 letters

Role playing, 6 letters

Side career for Madonna, 6 letters

Side job for some singers, 6 letters

Stagecraft, 6 letters

Strasberg subject, 6 letters

Temporarily taking over another's duties, 6 letters

Temporary, 6 letters

Temporary substitute, 6 letters

Temporary, as a position, 6 letters

Thespian's job, 6 letters

Thespian's skill, 6 letters

Trouper's skill, 6 letters

Pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind, 6 letters

Discharge one's duties, 6 letters

Perform on a stage or theater, 6 letters

Behave unnaturally or affectedly, 6 letters

Often the one desired or expected, 6 letters

Be suitable for theatrical performance, 6 letters

Have an effect or outcome, 6 letters

Conduct or comport oneself, 6 letters

Play a role or part, 6 letters

Show a certain behavior, 6 letters

Behave in a certain manner, 6 letters

The performance of a part or role in a drama, 6 letters

It bit Marlon Brando, 9 letters

What many thespians claim got them hooked, 9 letters

Arnold Schwarzenegger?, 14 letters

Playing a part from, 8 letters

Hamming it up at Philharmonic performance?, 15 letters

1986-88 Carmel title for Clint Eastwood?, 11 letters

Figure in some special elections, perhaps, 11 letters

To govern or not to govern. That is the question., 11 letters

Following, as a hunch, 8 letters

Pantomiming, 9 letters

Temporary talent scarcity?, 12 letters

25th Amendment phrase, 15 letters

Malfunctioning, 8 letters

Misbehaving, 8 letters

Sea anemone, 7 letters

A genus of sea anemone common in rock pools, 7 letters

Any sea anemone or related animal, 7 letters

Like a certain property of radiation, 7 letters

Of light's ability to produce chemical changes, as in photography, 7 letters

Periodic table's ___ series, 8 letters

Any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103, 8 letters

Radioactive elements, 9 letters

Series of radioactive elements, 9 letters

Uranium and plutonium, e.g., 9 letters

Shaped like a sea anemone, 10 letters

Element #89, 8 letters

Element found in uranium ore, 8 letters

Radioactive element that glows blue in the dark, 8 letters

A radioactive element of the actinide series, 8 letters

Found in uranium ores, 8 letters

Do the same thing, 11 letters

Sea anemones, 9 letters

Any sea anemone or related animal, 8 letters

Sea anemones, 10 letters

Any sea anemone or related animal, 11 letters

Small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit, 9 letters

Tropical trees or shrubs or woody vines, 13 letters

Terrestrial ferns of tropical Asia and Africa, 13 letters

The property of radiation that enables it to produce photochemical effects, 8 letters

Any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103, 8 letters

A green mineral of the amphibole group, 10 letters

Calcium magnesium iron silicate, 10 letters

Used in some classification systems for plants now included in genus Verbesina, 11 letters

An instrument for measuring the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (usually by the photochemical effect), 11 letters

Measuring the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (especially of the sun's rays), 11 letters

Soil-inhabiting saprophytes and disease-producing plant and animal parasites, 11 letters

Filamentous anaerobic bacteria, 16 letters

Filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria, 15 letters

Any bacteria (some of which are pathogenic for humans and animals) belonging to the order Actinomycetales, 12 letters

Any of various red antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria, 11 letters

Characterized by hard swellings that exude pus through long sinuses, 13 letters

Disease of cattle that can be transmitted to humans, 13 letters

Results from infection with actinomycetes, 13 letters

Parasites of worms, 13 letters

Parasites of worms, 14 letters

Any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103, 7 letters

Protozoa having stiff rodlike radiating pseudopods, 9 letters

Heliozoans, 10 letters

Radiolarians, 10 letters

The treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to radiation from a radioactive substance, 13 letters

No alternation of generations the medusoid phase being entirely suppressed sea anemones, 9 letters

Corals, 9 letters

Sessile marine coelenterates including solitary and colonial polyps, 10 letters

The medusoid phase is entirely suppressed, 10 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..