Select a letter

... ay, there's ___ : Shak., 6 letters

Dreaming, to Hamlet?, 6 letters

Last two words of an oft-quoted Shakespeare line, 6 letters

That which hinders, 6 letters

& 49 Covers up, in a way, 6 letters

Cut ___ (dance well), 6 letters

What an exception proves, 7 letters

Part 2 of quip, 15 letters

Start of a cat haiku, 15 letters

Middle of the observation, 13 letters

1995 bestseller in which #23 is Don't Date a Married Man, 8 letters

1995 Fein/Schneider book, 8 letters

Controversial 1995 bestseller for women, 8 letters

Things to follow, 8 letters

'Band on ___' (McCartney), 6 letters

Wings: Band On ___, 6 letters

John Grisham book about fashion show critics?, 13 letters

1990 Connery-Pfeiffer film, 14 letters

Sean Connery's country film?, 14 letters

Fictional band who sang Can't Buy Me Lunch and All You Need Is Cash, 9 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..