Select a letter

All football comes from ___: Knute Rockne, 5 letters

Grand Old Man of Football, 5 letters

The grand old man of football, 5 letters

Alonzo of the gridiron, 5 letters

Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

Amos Alonzo ___, football's grand old man, 5 letters

Centenarian football coach, 5 letters

Coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

College football coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

College football coaching legend Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

College football immortal Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

College football's Grand Old Man, 5 letters

Competitor of Hormel and Dennison's, 5 letters

Early coaching great, 5 letters

Famed football coach, 5 letters

Famed football coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

Football coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

Football's Amos Alonzo, 5 letters

Football's Grand Old Man, 5 letters

Footballs' grand old man, 5 letters

Grid coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

He invented the huddle, 5 letters

Immortal coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

Immortal college coach, 5 letters

Inventor of the huddle, 5 letters

Legendary coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

Legendary football coach, 5 letters

Legendary football coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

Longtime coach of the University of Chicago who was a charter member of the College Football Hall of Fame, 5 letters

Longtime football coach Amos Alonzo ___, 5 letters

Tackling-dummy inventor, 5 letters

University of Chicago's ___ Field, site of a 1942 nuclear experiment, 5 letters

Act drunk, 7 letters

Alternate, 7 letters

Arrange alternately, 7 letters

Arrange in zigzag order, 7 letters

Cause to reel, 7 letters

Knock one's socks off, 7 letters

Make zigzag, 7 letters

Overlap time slots, 7 letters

Punch-drunk behavior, 7 letters

Reel, 7 letters

Render helpless, 7 letters

Shock, 7 letters

Space out, 7 letters

Walk a crooked line, 7 letters

Walk drunkenly, 7 letters

Walk in a crooked line, 7 letters

An unsteady uneven gait, 7 letters

Walk unsteadily, 13 letters

Dumbfounded, 9 letters

What an 800-meter race begins with, 14 letters

1959 #1 hit for Lloyd Price, 10 letters

Lloyd Price #1 hit of 1959, 10 letters

Arranges at intervals, 8 letters

Arranges in an alternating pattern, 8 letters

Arranges in zigzag order, 8 letters

Astonishes, 8 letters

Leaves a crooked trail, 8 letters

Deer stuck in a rut?, 16 letters

Fete for football coach Amos Alonzo?, 10 letters

Poisonous to stock, 11 letters

Deciduous shrub of coastal plain of the eastern United States having nodding pinkish-white flowers, 11 letters

Someone who walks unsteadily as if about to fall, 9 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..