Select a letter

Blow one's budget, 7 letters

Go all out, 7 letters

Go off a diet big-time, 7 letters

Indulge oneself, 7 letters

Shoot the works, 7 letters

Spare no expense, 7 letters

Spend a ton, 7 letters

Spend excessively, 7 letters

Spend extravagantly, 7 letters

Spend lavishly, 7 letters

Spend wildly, 7 letters

Spend, spend, spend, 7 letters

Throw money around, 7 letters

An ostentatious display (of effort or extravagance etc.), 7 letters

Shot the works, 8 letters

Spared no expense, 8 letters

Goes on a spree, 8 letters

Pricey indulgences, 8 letters

Show confusion, 8 letters

The noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively, 8 letters

An utterance (of words) with spitting sounds (as in rage), 8 letters

This phrase, when rapidly repeated?, 16 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..