Select a letter

Free Your Skin sloganeer, 6 letters

Electric-razor inventor, 6 letters

Gillette alternative, 6 letters

Introducer of the electric shaver, 6 letters

Razor inventor Jacob, 6 letters

Movie about razors?, 11 letters

Early Law & Order D.A., Adam ___ (played by Steven Hill), 6 letters

Richard of The West Wing, 6 letters

Vitamin brand, 6 letters

American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the Simpson Defense author Lawrence, 8 letters

Ode to Joy poet, 8 letters

Wilhelm Tell author, 8 letters

Wilhelm Tell playwright, 8 letters

Author of The Maid of Orleans, 8 letters

German poet: 1759-1805, 8 letters

German poet/dramatist, 8 letters

German romantic writer (1759-1805), 8 letters

Austrian money, 9 letters

Carol keeps cool Austrian coin (9), 9 letters

Old Austrian money, 9 letters

The basic unit of money in Austria, 9 letters

Pre-euro Austrian expenditure?, 12 letters

Dick Tracy has one, 5 letters

Hero in a Thomas Keneally bestseller, 9 letters

List, 9 letters

Novel about a German man's speech impediment?, 14 letters

1993 movie, 14 letters

1993 Steven Spielberg film, 14 letters

Best Picture of 1993, 14 letters

Film (1993), actress (1987), 14 letters

Highest-grossing black-and-white film of all time, 14 letters

It got 12 Oscar nominations in 1993, 14 letters

Spielberg film, 14 letters

Biopic about a composer from a WWII hero's perspective?, 15 letters

Liam Neeson movie about a Hungarian composer?, 15 letters

Film about industrialist Oskar's sediment?, 14 letters

Amsterdam air hub, 8 letters

Small, black watchdog from Belgium, 10 letters

Breed of small stocky black dogs originally used as watchdogs on boats in the Netherlands and Belgium, 10 letters

Apollo 7 astronaut, 7 letters

Apollo 7 commander, 7 letters

Apollo 7 commander Wally, 7 letters

Astronaut Wally, 7 letters

Astronaut Walter, 7 letters

Capsule contents, once, 7 letters

Gemini astronaut Wally, 7 letters

Only man to fly in Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions, 7 letters

Wally the astronaut, 7 letters

Luv dramatist, 8 letters

Luv playwright Murray, 8 letters

A division into factions, 6 letters

Acrimonious division, 6 letters

Big break, 6 letters

Breach, 6 letters

Church division, 6 letters

Church split, 6 letters

Coming-apart, 6 letters

Disharmony, 6 letters

Division, 6 letters

Division in a church, 6 letters

Division into factions, 6 letters

Division into mutually opposed parties, 6 letters

Division into opposing parties, 6 letters

Division of a group into opposing factions, 6 letters

Division or disunion, 6 letters

Doctrinal rift, 6 letters

Formal split, 6 letters

Religious discord, 6 letters

Religious rift, 6 letters

Religious split, 6 letters

Rift, 6 letters

Sect, 6 letters

Separation, 6 letters

Separation into factions, 6 letters

Separation of church and church?, 6 letters

Sharp divide, 6 letters

Splinter group, 6 letters

Split, 6 letters

Split of a sort, 6 letters

The Protestant Reformation, e.g., 6 letters

Vast separation, 6 letters

Division of a group into opposing factions, 6 letters

Breaks, 7 letters

Church splits, 7 letters

Deep divisions, 7 letters

Disunions, 7 letters

Faction makers, 7 letters

Formal splits, 7 letters

Religious rifts, 7 letters

Religious splits, 7 letters

Rifts, 7 letters

Sect creators, 7 letters

Splits, 7 letters

Crystalline rock, 6 letters

Easily split rock, 6 letters

Flaky rock, 6 letters

Metamorphic rock, 6 letters

Mica-like rock, 6 letters

Rock used in walls, 6 letters

Any metamorphic rock that can be split into thin layers, 6 letters

Crystalline rocks, 7 letters

Flaky rocks, 7 letters

Layered minerals, 7 letters

Some metamorphic rocks, 7 letters

Combining form meaning split, 5 letters

Mentally unstable, in a way, 6 letters

Nuts, 6 letters

Nuts informally, 6 letters

One with a split personality, slangily, 6 letters

Psych ward patient, maybe, 6 letters

Shrink's study, 6 letters

Split: Comb. form, 6 letters

Split: Prefix, 6 letters

Unstable person, slangily, 6 letters

Wildly eccentric, 6 letters

Wildly eccentric, briefly, 6 letters

Having a split personality, 8 letters

Some sufferers of personality disorders, 9 letters

Opossum shrimp, 9 letters

Some psych ward patients, 7 letters

Italian astronomer who first noted lines (which he called canals) on the surface of Mars (1835-1910), 12 letters

Fashion designer born in Italy who was noted for her use of synthetic materials and brilliant colors (1896-1973), 12 letters

Genus of evergreen shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America and Canary Islands and China, 7 letters

A not uncommon congenital defect in which a vertebra is malformed, 15 letters

Unless several vertebrae are affected or there is myelomeningocele there are few symptoms, 15 letters

Can be diagnosed by amniocentesis, 15 letters

Type genus of the family Schistosomatidae blood flukes, 11 letters

A family of Trematoda, 16 letters

Flatworms parasitic in the blood vessels of mammals, 11 letters

Symptoms depend on the part of the body infected, 15 letters

Common in the tropics and Far East, 15 letters

An infestation with or a resulting infection caused by a parasite of the genus Schistosoma, 15 letters

Overlaps the genus Andropogon, 13 letters

Type genus of the Schizaeaceae cosmopolitan especially in tropics, 8 letters

Small leptosporangiate ferns curly grass fern, 8 letters

Small family of mainly tropical ferns, 12 letters

Any plant of the genus Schizanthus having finely divided leaves and showy variegated flowers, 11 letters

Characteristic of many sporozoan protozoans, 10 letters

Asexual reproduction by multiple fission, 10 letters

A former classification, 13 letters

A dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers, 13 letters

Small genus of deciduous climbing and creeping shrubs with white flowers in flat clusters, 13 letters

Sometimes placed in family Saxifragaceae, 13 letters

Any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact, 13 letters

Someone who is afflicted with schizophrenia, 13 letters

Former terms for Cyanophyceae, 13 letters

Former term for the Cyanophyta, 11 letters

In former classifications a division of Malacostraca, 10 letters

Superseded by the orders Mysidacea and Euphausiacea, 10 letters

Type and only genus of Schizosaccharomycetaceae, 19 letters

Comprises the fission yeasts, 19 letters

A family of fungi belonging to order Endomycetales, 20 letters

Resembling schizophrenia but remaining within the bounds of normality, 12 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..