Select a letter

Before: Prefix, 4 letters

English poet: 1802-39, 5 letters

They talk too much, 6 letters

Roman bailsman, 5 letters

Annually elected Roman magistrate, 7 letters

Roman bigwig, 7 letters

Roman magistrate, 7 letters

Roman official, 7 letters

An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic, 7 letters

Julius Caesar, once, 10 letters

Roman bodyguard, 10 letters

Ancient Roman basketball player?, 15 letters

Ancient Roman hoopster?, 15 letters

The first name of a citizen of ancient Rome, 9 letters

A permanent executive committee in socialist countries that has all the powers of some larger legislative body and that acts for it when it is not in session, 10 letters

The tent of an ancient Roman general, 10 letters

The office of praetor, 11 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..