Select a letter

Ancient starter, 5 letters

Ancient beginning, 5 letters

Ancient combiner, 5 letters

Ancient: Comb. form, 5 letters

Ancient: pref., 5 letters

Ancient: Prefix, 5 letters

Anthropology prefix, 5 letters

Anthropology starter, 5 letters

Archaeologist's prefix, 5 letters

Early beginning, 5 letters

Early: Prefix, 5 letters

Geological word starter, 5 letters

It means old, 5 letters

Neo- opposite, 5 letters

Old: prefix, 5 letters

Opposite of neo, 5 letters

Prefix meaning ancient, 5 letters

Prefix meaning old, 5 letters

Prefix with -lithic, 5 letters

Prefix with -zoic, 5 letters

Prefix with anthropology, 5 letters

Prefix with biology, 5 letters

Prehistoric prefix, 5 letters

Primitive (prefix), 5 letters

Word form for ancient, 5 letters

Zoic preceder, 5 letters

Student of fossil plants with scattered money from a shark?, 13 letters

Of a Tertiary epoch, 9 letters

Prehistoric epoch, 9 letters

From 58 million to 63 million years ago, 9 letters

Appearance of birds and earliest mammals, 9 letters

Stone Age era, 11 letters

Hazarding a guess: doughy metaphysician?, 14 letters

White, aware of record, is starting to tutor one who studies fossils (14), 14 letters

One of Thomas Jefferson's pursuits, 12 letters

The branch of archeology that studies fossil organisms and related remains, 12 letters

Geologic division, 12 letters

Time of the trilobites, 12 letters

When reptiles first appeared, 12 letters

The scientific study of human fossils, 17 letters

A branch of paleontology that deals with the origin and growth and structure of fossil animals and plants as living organisms, 12 letters

The study of fossil plants, 11 letters

The anterior lobe of the cerebellum which was one of the earliest parts of the hindbrain to develop in mammals, 15 letters

The study of the climate of past ages, 16 letters

The olfactory cortex of the cerebrum, 11 letters

The branch of paleobotany that studies fossil trees, 15 letters

The branch of ecology that studies ancient ecology, 12 letters

The more primitive parts of the brain phylogenetically, 15 letters

Most structures other than the cerebral cortex, 15 letters

The ethnography of paleolithic humans, 16 letters

The study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs, 14 letters

The study of geologic features once at the surface of the earth but now buried beneath rocks, 12 letters

The study of ancient forms of writing (and the deciphering of them), 11 letters

A stone tool from the Paleolithic age, 9 letters

The study of (especially prehistoric) antiquities, 9 letters

The paleobiology of ancient mammals, 14 letters

The study of disease of former times (as inferred from fossil evidence), 14 letters

The paleobiology of birds, 15 letters

The inner pale yellow part of the lenticular nucleus, 13 letters

From 230 million to about 544 million years ago, 9 letters

The study of fossil animals, 12 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..