Select a letter

Deficiency: Comb. form, 4 letters

Few (prefix), 4 letters

Few: Comb form, 4 letters

Member of a ruling clique, 8 letters

Member of a small governing faction, 8 letters

Member of a small ruling class, 8 letters

One of a few in power, 8 letters

One of the few in charge, 8 letters

Ruling clique member, 8 letters

Of a tightknit ruling group, 10 letters

Elite groups, 11 letters

Ancient Athens's Thirty Tyrants, e.g., 9 letters

A political system governed by a few people, 9 letters

Deficiency of a designer?, 11 letters

Famous designer, combined form?, 11 letters

Little prefix, 5 letters

Few (comb. form), 5 letters

Few (prefix), 5 letters

Few in front, 5 letters

Prefix meaning few, 5 letters

Prefix with -poly, 5 letters

Epoch after the Eocene, 9 letters

Epoch of the Tertiary Period, 9 letters

From 25 million to 40 million years ago, 9 letters

Appearance of sabertoothed cats, 9 letters

Economic system with few sellers, 9 letters

(economics) a market in which control over the supply of a commodity is in the hands of a small number of producers and each one can influence prices and affect competitors, 9 letters

Market with few buyers, 10 letters

Earthworms, 11 letters

Hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body, 11 letters

Any of a rock-forming series of triclinic feldspars, 10 letters

Congenital condition in which some fingers or toes are missing, 12 letters

Tissue consisting of glial cells with sheet-like processes that form the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, 12 letters

A cell of the oligodendroglia, 15 letters

Tissue consisting of glial cells with sheet-like processes that form the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, 15 letters

Congenital condition in which some of the teeth are missing, 11 letters

Abnormally light or infrequent menstruation, 14 letters

Leatherjackets, 11 letters

A genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae, 10 letters

Any of the carbohydrates that yield only a few monosaccharide molecules on complete hydrolysis, 15 letters

Insufficient spermatozoa in the semen, 12 letters

Abnormally small production of urine, 8 letters

Can be a symptom of kidney disease or obstruction of the urinary tract or edema or an imbalance of fluids and electrolytes in the body, 8 letters

Production of an abnormally small amount of urine, 8 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..