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Ceremonial Pueblo Indian structure, 4 letters

Ceremonial room in a Pueblo Indian village, 4 letters

Hopi assembly hall, 4 letters

Native ceremonial room, 4 letters

Pueblo ceremonial chamber, 4 letters

Pueblo ceremonial room, 4 letters

Pueblo chamber, 4 letters

Pueblo Indian ceremonial room, 4 letters

Pueblo room, 4 letters

Pueblo-village tour highlight, 4 letters

Underground chamber, 4 letters

Underground Pueblo chamber, 4 letters

Pueblo chambers, 5 letters

Pueblo Indian structures, 5 letters

Lake between Zaire and Rwanda, 4 letters

A lake in the mountains of central Africa between Congo and Rwanda, 4 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..