Select a letter

News subcategory, 11 letters

The study of the effects of economic geography on the powers of the state, 11 letters

Eating earth or clay or chalk, 9 letters

Occurs in some primitive tribes or sometimes in cases of nutritional deficiency, 9 letters

Occurs in some primitive tribes or sometimes in cases of nutritional deficiency, 8 letters

Eating earth or clay or chalk, 8 letters

Small extremely elongate earth-living centipedes, 11 letters

Small elongate centipedes living in soil and under stones and having more than 30 pairs of legs, 14 letters

Type genus of the Geophilidae cosmopolitan genus of centipedes sometimes called earwigs, 9 letters

A specialist in geology, 12 letters

Geology that uses physical principles to study properties of the earth, 10 letters

A perennial plant that propagates by underground bulbs or tubers or corms, 8 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..