Select a letter

Poet Padraic, 5 letters

A space shuttle, 8 letters

A.k.a. The Lions, 8 letters

Big name in movie studios, 8 letters

Ivy League member in the Big Apple, 8 letters

Mayor Dinkins (1990-93) teaches public affairs here, 8 letters

New York Ivy, 8 letters

New York university, 8 letters

Palmetto State capital, 8 letters

South Carolina's capital, 8 letters

The gem of the ocean, 8 letters

A town in west central Tennessee, 8 letters

A university town in central Missouri, 8 letters

Capital and largest city in South Carolina, 8 letters

Known for its salmon runs in the spring, 8 letters

Rises in southwestern Canada and flows southward across Washington to form the border between Washington and Oregon before emptying into the Pacific, 8 letters

A North American river, 8 letters

Located in central South Carolina, 8 letters

Alma mater of Rodgers and Hammerstein, 15 letters

South Carolina women's school, 15 letters

Slices of pizza off 16th St.?, 15 letters

April 12, 1981 milestone, 21 letters

It doesn't sell postcards near a N.Y. university, 16 letters

It doesn't sell Space Shuttle photos, 16 letters

Two rivers, 15 letters

Longtime label for Frank Sinatra, 15 letters

Musical brand since 1888, 15 letters

University of South Carolina transcripts?, 15 letters

Regular Manhattan university transport?, 15 letters

Green line stop that doubles as a D.C. gym?, 15 letters

Detective for old people in the afternoon, 7 letters

Emmy-winning role of '72, '75, '76 and '90, 7 letters

Familiar raincoat wearer, 7 letters

Noted television lieutenant, 7 letters

Peter Falk role, 7 letters

Peugeot-driving detective, 7 letters

Rumpled detective, 7 letters

TV cop in dilapidated Peugeot ragtop, 7 letters

TV detective, 7 letters

TV detective, drove Peugeot convertible, 7 letters

TV sleuth in dilapidated Peugeot, 7 letters

Any of various tall perennial herbs constituting the genus Frasera, 7 letters

Widely distributed in warm dry upland areas of the United States Pacific states, 7 letters

15th century explorer, 8 letters

City with a famous zoo, 8 letters

New World explorer, 8 letters

October Day, 8 letters

October honoree, 8 letters

OHIO, 8 letters

Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506), 8 letters

Industrial center, 8 letters

A town in eastern Mississippi near the border with Alabama, 8 letters

Site of Ohio State University, 8 letters

Located in the center of the state, 8 letters

The state capital of Ohio, 8 letters

A city in western Georgia on the Chattahoochee River, 8 letters

Ohio transport?, 11 letters

Transport named after Christopher?, 11 letters

New York City subway hub, 9 letters

Site of the New Your Coliseum, 14 letters

Where New Yorkers go around, 14 letters

Colorado, in 1905, was the first state to observe it, 11 letters

October 13, 2008 celebration, 11 letters

October observance, 11 letters

Big Apple landmark, 9 letters

'I'm moving to where?', 10 letters

I won a trip to where? You're kidding!, 10 letters

Electrical resistance generated in Upper Arlington?, 11 letters

Marble Cliff, Ohio, and Grove City, Ohio, for two, 15 letters

Dear Abby, for one, 6 letters

Editorial, 6 letters

Editorial, e.g., 6 letters

Ionic or Doric, e.g., 6 letters

It may add up, 6 letters

It may be Doric or Ionic, 6 letters

Mike Royko feature, 6 letters

Newspaper feature, 6 letters

Newspaper opinion piece, 6 letters

Op-ed page feature, 6 letters

Op-ed piece, 6 letters

Op-ed piece, e.g., 6 letters

Periodical opinion piece, 6 letters

Pillar, 6 letters

Regular magazine feature, 6 letters

Supporting pillar, 6 letters

Table part, 6 letters

A line of (usually military) units following one after another, 6 letters

A linear array of numbers one above another, 6 letters

An article giving opinions or perspectives, 6 letters

A tall cylindrical vertical upright, 6 letters

First of several lists of items, 7 letters

Traditional side on Chinese menus, 7 letters

Like the Parthenon, e.g., 8 letters

Spreadsheet label, maybe, 13 letters

Newspaper article measure, 10 letters

Newspaperman's measure, 10 letters

Journalist of sorts, 9 letters

A journalist who writes editorials, 9 letters

Some opinion offerers, 10 letters

Table, 15 letters

Part of a balancing act?, 15 letters

Part of a budget spreadsheet, 15 letters

TABLE part, 15 letters

A marble support + 2 letters = a seafood dish, 8 letters

Newspaper features, 7 letters

Newspaper features that may offer commentary on a particular field of interest, 7 letters

Newspaper reportage, 7 letters

Pillars, 7 letters

Sources of support, 7 letters

Supporters, 7 letters

Spreadsheet number, 11 letters

Spreadsheet measure, 11 letters

Spreadsheet parameter, 11 letters

Great circle of the celestial sphere, 6 letters

Equinoctial and solstitial, 7 letters

Racers, 7 letters

Mostly harmless temperate-to-tropical terrestrial or arboreal or aquatic snakes, 8 letters

About two-thirds of all living species, 10 letters

Nonvenomous snakes, 10 letters

Mostly tropical American shrubs or small trees with small yellowish flowers and yellow or red fruits, 9 letters

Arboreal nocturnal mammal of southeast Asia and the Philippines resembling a lemur and having a fold of skin on each side from neck to tail that is used for long gliding leaps, 6 letters

A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum, 7 letters

Type genus of the Columbidae typical pigeons, 7 letters

A shelter for birds (especially pigeons), 11 letters

Doves and pigeons, 10 letters

Sand grouse, 13 letters

Pigeons, 13 letters

Doves, 13 letters

Extinct dodos and solitaires, 13 letters

A plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers, 9 letters

North temperate regions especially mountains, 9 letters

A black mineral that is an ore of niobium and tantalum, 9 letters

A former name for niobium, 9 letters

Many cultivated for their flowers and ornamental foliage, 8 letters

Tropical plant having thick hairy somewhat toothed leaves and solitary or clustered yellow to scarlet flowers, 8 letters

(architecture) the arrangement of columns (especially freestanding columns) in a structure, 12 letters

Small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods, 7 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..