Select a letter

Figure in a political cartoon, 10 letters

Hirschfeld drawing, 10 letters

Hirschfeld's specialty, 10 letters

Lampooned likeness, 10 letters

MacNelly's depiction of Clinton, e.g., 10 letters

Many an illustration in The Economist, 10 letters

Not the real thing, 10 letters

Politician in a political cartoon, e.g., 10 letters

Unflattering portrait, 10 letters

A representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect, 10 letters

Tropical American trees papayas, 6 letters

Type genus of the Caricaceae, 6 letters

Trees native to tropical America and Africa with milky juice and large palmately lobed leaves, 10 letters

Someone who parodies in an exaggerated manner, 12 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..