• '...but if you hum ___, I'll fake it'

• 'This guy walks into --...'

• A guy walks into ___... (joke start)

• A man/his dog go into ---...

• A rabbi, a priest and a duck walk into ___...

• A rabbi, a priest, and a minister walk into ___...

• Joke, part 2

• Killed him ___ when he was only 3...

• Killed him ___ when he was only 3... (line from The Ballad of Davy Crockett)

• Killed him ___ when he was only three...

• Rehab's Sittin' at ___

• So this guy walks into ___

• So this piece of string walks into ___

• So this turtle walks into ___...

• These two guys walk into ___...

• This duck walks into ___

• Two guys walk into ___...

• Two guys walk into ___... (joke start)

• Two guys walk into ___... (start of many jokes)

• What this guy walks into?

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