Boozoo Chavis's music, 6 letters
Cajun roots music style, 6 letters
Clifton Chenier's music, 6 letters
Genre prominently featuring fiddle, accordian and washboard, 6 letters
Grammy category starting in 2007, 6 letters
Louisiana folk music, 6 letters
Louisiana music genre, 6 letters
Louisiana music style, 6 letters
Music style of Louisiana, 6 letters
Musical genre that features accordions, 6 letters
Style associated with washboards, 6 letters
Cell formed from two gametes, 6 letters
Fallopian tube traveler, 6 letters
Cells formed by the union of gametes, 7 letters
Fertilization creations, 7 letters
They develop into embryos, 7 letters
Fermenting agent (often found on the last page of the dictionary), 4 letters
Especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol, 7 letters
The development and spread of an infectious disease, 7 letters
Brewmaster's science, 7 letters
Science dealing with fermentation, 7 letters
The chemistry of fermentation, 7 letters
Company behind the popular social network games FarmVille and CityVille, 5 letters
Brand of allergy medication, 6 letters
Other half of the decoder ring, 13 letters
Start of a reversed sequence, 13 letters
Destructive tropical American weevil, 7 letters
Insect that's the last word in the Scrabble Players Dictionary, 7 letters
Tropical insect whose name is the last word in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, 7 letters
Type genus of the family Zygnemataceae, 7 letters
Pond scums common freshwater algae forming green slimy masses, 13 letters
Class of fungi coextensive with subdivision Zygomycota, 11 letters
Division of fungi having sexually produced zygospores, 10 letters
Division of fungi having sexually produced zygospores, 12 letters
Small trees, shrubs, and herbs of warm arid and saline regions, 14 letters
Some poisonous genera Zygophyllum, 14 letters
A plant spore formed by two similar sexual cells, 9 letters
The second stage of the prophase of meiosis, 8 letters
A complex of enzymes that cause glycolysis, 6 letters
Originally found in yeast but also present in higher organisms, 6 letters
Especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol, 9 letters