Select a letter

Consistent, 8 letters

Like the same old same old, 8 letters

Monotonous, 8 letters

Type of truth?, 11 letters

Not just the plain t----, but the ___ ___, 16 letters

Bring to light, 6 letters

Debut, 6 letters

Disclose, 6 letters

Expose, 6 letters

Introduce, 6 letters

Introduce a new product, 6 letters

Open to the public, 6 letters

Reveal, 6 letters

Show for the first time, 6 letters

Show for the first time, as a statue, 6 letters

Show to the public, 6 letters

Show, as plans, 6 letters

Take off the wraps, 6 letters

Bared, 8 letters

Cemetery ceremony, 9 letters

Premiere, 9 letters

Putting on display for the first time, 9 letters

The act of beginning something new, 9 letters

Remove the veil from, 9 letters

Make visible, 9 letters

Remove the cover from, 9 letters

Bares, 7 letters

Brings to light, 7 letters

Discloses, 7 letters

Introduces, 7 letters

Shows for the first time, 7 letters

Inexperienced, 8 letters

Lacking experience (in), 8 letters

Impractical, 8 letters

Like film in the can, 8 letters

Coinage from Latin and Greek roots, 21 letters

Not absolved, 10 letters

Characterized by an absence of variation, 12 letters

1*10^66, 14 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..