Select a letter

Monogram of T. Wolfe's eminent editor, 3 letters

The ___ Waltz (1971 Alan Alda movie), 8 letters

Medieval devil, 8 letters

Oscar-winning foreign film of 1981, 8 letters

Like the devil, 15 letters

A drug (trade name Atabrine) used to treat certain worm infestations and once used to treat malaria, 9 letters

A synthetic narcotic drug (trade name Demerol) used to treat pain, 10 letters

A toxic anticonvulsant drug (trade name Mesantoin) used in the treatment of epilepsy when less toxic anticonvulsants have been ineffective, 11 letters

Evil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul, 14 letters

Subdivision not used in some classifications skunks, 10 letters

In some classifications type genus of the subfamily Mephitinae, 8 letters

A long-acting crystalline barbiturate (trade name Mebaral) used as a sedative and as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy, 13 letters

A sedative and tranquilizer (trade name Miltown and Equanil and Meprin) used to treat muscle tension and anxiety, 6 letters

A sedative and tranquilizer (trade name Miltown and Equanil and Meprin) used to treat muscle tension and anxiety, 11 letters - we know the word that you can`t guess In case of any inconvenience..